Our Talk with Kristen Denzer, Founder

On this episode of Z-Talks, we speak with Kristen Denzer, the CEO, and Founder of Tierra Encantada. Kristen shares how her entrepreneurial spirit led her to start and she even tried a few other ventures before founding Tierra Encantada. Kristen founded Tierra Encantada in 2013 when she couldn’t find a daycare she liked for her toddler.

We speak about the steps she took to enter an unfamiliar industry and how Tierra Encantada is unique and has such growth potential. 

Kristen educated herself by learning the business, found financing to get started, and now has 11 (and growing) franchise and corporate locations around the United States. And her company is ranked on the Inc. 5000 fastest-growing list. 

Tierra Encantada  (Spanish for “enchanted land”) –  uniquely combining bilingual immersion, organic meals, and diversity education for children 6 and younger. 

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Zora Digital is a Chicago digital marketing agency. We help modern lifestyle brands with a spirit of innovation navigate the digital landscape and create significant ROI.

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