Episode 15: Vous Vitamin is the Right Vitamin for You

Over six years ago, Chicago physicians, Romy Block and Arielle Levitan noticed that they spent a lot of time discussing vitamins with their patients. They’d dealt with many patients who were confused on what multivitamins they should be taking and had seen multiple patients who came into their offices with bags full of vitamins unsure if they were taking the correct supplements. As friends, they discussed this trend they’d been seeing and came up with Vous Vitamin, a personalized, all-natural vitamin that’s tailored to each customer’s needs.

Now they’ve expanded their business to include supplemental Omega-3 and their situational packs: the immune blast, recovery act, and the power up pack. In this episode, we talk about each situational pack and what they can be used for, and the doctors gave us exclusive new details about their upcoming personalized prenatal vitamins.

Lastly, did you know that the vitamin industry is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? We had an honest conversation about the dangers of taking multiple vitamin packs and how you as a consumer can sift through all the overwhelming information available about vitamins, and they tackle common misconceptions that people have about vitamins. Drs. Block and Levitan also spoke candidly about vitamin overdose and the harmful effects of taking too much of certain vitamins. With such a diverse vitamin market, they understand that it can be overwhelming to figure out which vitamins you should be taking, so their solution is simple. Vous Vitamin is the right choice for you.

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Zora Digital is a Chicago digital marketing agency. We help healthy lifestyle brands with a spirit of innovation navigate the digital landscape and create significant ROI.

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