Episode 16: Before The Butcher Makes Plant-Based Mainstream

Three months after adopting a plant-based diet, Before the Butcher founder and president, Danny O’Malley’s cholesterol level dropped over 70 points. Thinking that high cholesterol ran in the family, he was shocked by his results. This diet paired with more exercise, Danny knew that a plant-based diet was the best for him.

This lifestyle change inspired him to create Before the Butcher. This is a line of plant-based meat alternatives and it’s extension brand of plant-based patties called Uncut. With an array of products ranging from chicken chunks to sausage patties, Before the Butcher was designed to give customers like you another option for protein.

One of the biggest challenges for plant-based meat alternative companies is creating a product that mimics the texture and flavor of animal meat. However, Danny explained how Before the Butcher has gone above and beyond to create a variety of products that taste like meat so that customers still feel like they’re eating the same meat products that they have for years.

In this episode, Danny talked about how his company managed to create an alternative that tastes like animal meat, and the various health benefits of a plant-based diet. He offered some great insight on the plant-based industry as a whole and what’s coming up next for meat alternative companies, and how Before the Butcher is ahead of the curve.

Are you interested in trying Uncut? In addition to buying online, tune in to the episode now to learn where you can buy your first Before the Butcher product today!

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Zora Digital is a Chicago digital marketing agency. We help healthy lifestyle brands with a spirit of innovation navigate the digital landscape and create significant ROI.

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