Make the most of pay-per-click with Google AdWords!


It’s a brand new day in the AdWords world!  Expanded text ads from Google AdWords recently went live. The old 25-35-35 rule is out the door, ushered in is the new 30-30-80 rule which consists of TWO headlines of up to 30 characters of text each, followed by an 80 character expanded description.

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Snapchat: Reliable News Source & Effective Marketing Tool?


Snapchat. It’s a silly app for Gen Y & Z. No real value and certainly not worth reading about, right? But the truth is however, that Snapchat is a revolutionary app.  I dare say.

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Just watch the politicians.


Marketers can learn a ton by watching politicians run their social campaigns. The more I watch, the more I notice that social media and politicians go together ridiculously well. Consider that social media is all about hyperconnectivity. And politicians are by nature compulsive connectors. In every era, they find a way to connect with the populace. They express […]

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“Content Is King” Takes On A Whole New Meaning In 2016


Now that 2016 is in full swing experts have weighed in on the key digital trends for the year. There are several diverse/disparate themes of what is poised to be the next big thing. But one theme is consistent throughout: CONTENT.

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Pay Your Selfie: a shift in market research.


Up until recently, I figured “modern” research began in the 1950s. As a post-war exploitation of a booming consumer populace. Or something like that. I was wrong. Modern market research arguably dates back to the 1820’s. Long before electricity or telegraphs.

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